January 2, 2009

Baby, it's cold outside!

Yesterday, I went to the mall with my little sister and my dad in search of a new coat. My old one was kind of worn out, and lasted a few to many days as a bed for my kitty. No matter where I left that coat (On the back of my chair, draped across my bed, haphazardly thrown on my desk) my cat would always find a way to cuddle up with it.
Anywho, I found a cheap coat that fit real well at New York & Company. That store is great for inexpensive basic pieces with nice quality. The coat looks pretty boxy, but I think it looks like it has some shape on me.

And I absolutely adore the bag I am carrying! My cousin gave it to me for my birthday last year, from some thrift store in D.C. (I think...). I love the pop of color it adds to my outfit. If only it were a little bit bigger, because right now I can fit a wallet, an iPod, a cell phone, lip gloss and eyeliner, hand sanitizer, and a few pens. Now that seems like alot, but compared to what I normally carry in my bags, it really isn't. If anyone has seen a bag with a similar style and just a bit bigger, please let me know!

January 1, 2009

First post!

Alrighty! This is my first blog, so I'm just trying to get used to it right now. If you dont mind taking a few seconds to read the "About Me" and "Just So You Know..." sections to the right, that might explain a little bit more why I started this blog and what its going to be about. I'm really going to try to make time to update at least once a day, and make this blog as sucessful as possible. I figured, just as an introduction, one of those cute little surveys where you bold what applies to you would do the trick: (WARNING: IT'S EXTREMELY LONG!!)

I read a lot in my free time.I'm afraid of heights.Shoes are awesome.Yellow is an ugly color.I like the color yellow, thank you very much.I can be a sarcastic bastard sometimes.I want to travel the world.Disney movies make me cry.I'm easily amused.My favorite day is Monday.I wish I slept more often.I wear belts. I dread the holiday season.I can play the guitar.I'm in middle school.I'm in high school.Hello Kitty makes me smile.I strongly dislike country music.Currently, I have a cold.I have a dog.I have a cat.When a room is too silent, I'll start making noises to break it.I'm very random.I love making people laugh.The combination of dark hair and light eyes on a guy is gorgeous.I like the television show "Scrubs".I love Seattle.I like hats.I've thrown a shoe at someone.I have been in a real fist fight before.Some people think I'm a bitch.They're wrong.Halloween is so much fun.I love school.I'm very short tempered.I think little kids are cute.I'm close with my family.I have at least one sibling.I've attended Catholic school.I couldn't skateboard to save my life.I can legally drive.I don't tan, I spontaneously burst into flames.Tireswings are fun.I love the beach.I hate shopping, unless I can take my time.I am in love with Target.I have a nervous habit.I've been drunk before.I cannot watch needles piercing skin.I think my last name is odd.I have bad allergies.I know what I want to do with the rest of my life.Going to shows is one of my hobbies.When I file my nails, I get goose-bumps.I've had plastic surgery.Red bull is the drink of champions.I'm a college student.My days are always busy.I like eating at In N' Out.7-11 is practically my second home.I make an ass out of myself on a daily basis.I will break out into random fits of dance at any possible time.I have a crappy immune system.I'm afraid of death.Being organized is very important to me.I'm obsessive-compulsive.I can be a real spaz sometimes.I have a laptop and a desktop computer.I'm a girlie girl at heart.I own a Sidekick.I am a class clown.My arm itches.I want a tattoo.I have piercings in places other than my ears.I rarely get embarrassed anymore.I have a crush.Gardenias smell good.I want pizza!I love getting comments.My dreams are absolutely bizarre.Sometimes I miss being a little kid.I will talk to almost anyone.I'm rebellious.Being bossed around doesn't work well for me. At all.My parent(s) give me a lot of freedom.I wish my eyes were green.I've had heart surgery.Comedy Central is one of my favorite TV channels.I wear a lot of hoodies.I wear a lot of tank tops.I'm fairly comfortable with myself.Sometimes, I wonder what the hell is wrong with everyone around me.I could easily sleep an entire day away if given the opportunity.I've jumped off a roof before.I don't wear lipstick.I am currently in desperate need of a job.Alarm clocks annoy the hell out of me.If you can make me laugh, you will win my heart.I LOVE tall boys.I'm petite.I don't have any grandparents.Both of my parents are alive.I want to eventually own my own house.I really would like to go to Europe.Sitting still is almost impossible for me.I have a tendency to doodle when I get bored in class.I've been expelled from a school.Toys that talk scare me.My laugh is really random.There is absolutely NO space in my room.I like to take photos.I am a camera whore.I am a myspace whore.One of my ex's stalks me.Starbucks makes me happy.I'm addicted to caffeine.People often mistake me for someone younger.I've broken my nose before.I am loud.Music is pretty much the blood running through my veins.I'm not a virgin.I want to learn how to knit my own scarves.When I'm alone, I ask myself very random, weird questions.My closest friends are a part of my family.I like stickers.When it comes to spelling, I'm pretty much a champ.I love wearing really pretty, frilly dresses.I have a very low tolerance for stupid people.People have told me I'm a complete sweetheart.I'm told that I am "cute" often.I can be an asshole when I want to be.I write letters to people and never send them.I own some very, very nice things.Everything I own is designer.I require some alone-time every day.I love to blast music when I'm driving around.My school is just down the road from my house.I am actually pretty smart.Math is my worst subject.I am good at painting.I wear makeup, but not a lot.Some people should never get married.Some people should never have kids.I have a lot of bags and purses.Boots are great.I don't get what the big deal is with Converse.I feel like I'm almost always hungry.I have danced ballet before.I love everything heart-shaped.I actually like the color pink.